CoCre8 Oneness

#52. Personal Development is the New Addiction Recovery

November 01, 2021 Dan Wilkz Season 3 Episode 3
#52. Personal Development is the New Addiction Recovery
CoCre8 Oneness
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CoCre8 Oneness
#52. Personal Development is the New Addiction Recovery
Nov 01, 2021 Season 3 Episode 3
Dan Wilkz

Click here to get the show notes for today's episode.

I've started a group for all of my listener's I want to know you on a personal level! If you would like to join the amazing community this show is building join the group NOW. Only people that listen to this podcast are in this group. The only time a link is given out is in the description of one of my episodes or talked about on the podcast!


This episode was fun to make. I am learning how to get into flow with my speaking. The beautiful thing about my podcast is that I am growing into the best version of myself, by teaching the world how to do the same. Most every episode has been created from my car using Adobe Audition. You don't have to have all the right resources if you learn how to apply your imagination to the skills you already have! Everything I do here helps me too, and that is a huge part of my love for podcasting! Thank you all so much for coming back here every week! My promise to you is that As I grow, you grow.

If you haven't already done so, please rate and review the show on your favorite platform! It helps the show grow organically so that I can help more people!

MUSIC: Track: Prismo - Stronger [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Jake Ducey's 2nd Mind NeuroProgrammer
This is a revolutionary NLP software that reprogram your mind for better health, wealth, and joy.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

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Show Notes Transcript

Click here to get the show notes for today's episode.

I've started a group for all of my listener's I want to know you on a personal level! If you would like to join the amazing community this show is building join the group NOW. Only people that listen to this podcast are in this group. The only time a link is given out is in the description of one of my episodes or talked about on the podcast!


This episode was fun to make. I am learning how to get into flow with my speaking. The beautiful thing about my podcast is that I am growing into the best version of myself, by teaching the world how to do the same. Most every episode has been created from my car using Adobe Audition. You don't have to have all the right resources if you learn how to apply your imagination to the skills you already have! Everything I do here helps me too, and that is a huge part of my love for podcasting! Thank you all so much for coming back here every week! My promise to you is that As I grow, you grow.

If you haven't already done so, please rate and review the show on your favorite platform! It helps the show grow organically so that I can help more people!

MUSIC: Track: Prismo - Stronger [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.

Jake Ducey's 2nd Mind NeuroProgrammer
This is a revolutionary NLP software that reprogram your mind for better health, wealth, and joy.

Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

Support the Show.

Welcome Back to CoCre8 Oneness, Namaste Recovery Family, wake up to your invincibility. To all my friends around the world, thank you for coming back here every single week to learn the secrets of willpower and self discipline. This show is aimed directly at addicts, recovering addicts, and loved ones of the like, but even  If you are NOT an addict in recovery, don’t go anywhere, because the knowledge you learn on this show can help you grow into the best version of yourself, no matter where you are in life. We all possess power inside of us that can be willed, but most of us will that power toward what we don’t want. I’m here to help you wake up to your divinity.  My mission is to help recovering addicts find and fall in love with personal development, because personal development helped me DELETE THE DESIRE to use drugs from my mind and heart. I no longer have triggers, I no longer have cravings, temptations, or close calls. I am a completely changed from the inside out, and it was all possible not because of a 12 step system, but because I answered the 4 perennial questions. Who am I, Why am I here, Where did I come from, and Where am I going. I want to help you answer these questions for yourself by listening to this show. My goal for you is to uncover your deepest passions, fuse those passions with a purpose of your choosing, and help you to find a strategy for success, then to turn that 

h+is is possible by learning the techniques, strategies, and tactics you will find hear on the CoCre8 Oneness podcast. 


In today’s episode I want to answer for you, a few things. 


  1. Why it was so easy to get addicted
  2. Why it is so hard to stop
  3. How to replace your addiction with a new habit


First off, I have to read this disclaimer, I am one person that changed MY life. I did it my way by finding and practicing strategies that I felt would lead to a better life. I am not suggesting you replace any professional medical opinion with my advice. I am not a doctor, I have no diagnosis, and you should never replace any medical opinion with the content you find here today. This is simply how I changed my life. One thing I know for sure. I don’t desire to abuse drugs and alcohol anymore AND I have taken back control over my mind. I have found a purpose in life that I am passionate about mastering. I can see where I am going, and I know what I want to accomplish and why I MUST accomplish it. 


Personal Development is the New Addiction Recovery


For the past 100 years we have followed a system that doesn’t produce results. How many millionaires do you know that tribute their success to 12 step recovery? Have you ever heard of a 12 step meeting going out into the community and giving back? We don’t read books that will help us in all areas of life, mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally. No, we read out of a book that is written MOSTLY in first person. A book full of ideas similar or along the lines of this one “ I am powerless of my addiction, my life is unmanageable.”  

Does that even sound like something that could help you recover? Powerlessness- without ability influence or control. Unmanageable means you aren’t willing to do the work. We aren’t powerless my friends. So #1. Why was it so easy to get addicted? Doesn’t matter if it is crack, meth, heroin, cookies, cake, sex, pornography, pills, you name it, why was it so easy to get addicted? Dopamine. Reward for No Work. At’a boy, but you didn’t do anything. At’a’girl but you didn’t achieve anything. Addicts get addicted because they find something to replace pain and fear with temporary happiness. We then perform this behavior so many times that it becomes innate. Think about this. I am left handed. I write well with my left hand because it is a habit. How did I learn that habit? Repetition. You wrote over and over and over and over again until the body, which is your subconscious mind, learned the behavior. So now let’s talk about #2 why is it so hard to change? Easy! Think about how many times you have rewarded yourself for NOTHING. Think about how good it feels to get high. Think about how many times you performed that behavior. The behavior of replacing your pain and fear with this temporary numbness. If you are like me, thousands and thousands of times you have performed the behavior of getting paid, going to the motel 6, buying dope, sitting there and smoking until you are broke, then you come down from cloud 9, complaining, pissed off, and disappointed in yourself. You have been building momentum in the wrong direction. You have programmed your body to CRAVE this behavior. Your subconscious mind runs 95% of your day. 95% of what you think, say, and do is habit. Only about 5% of the day are you using consciousness. Creative thought. So, now you can step back and see things how they are. This addiction, this repeat behavior  is easy to do and hard to quit because the behavior has become a program. 


Now, How do you change this? 


First, I want you to understand that It isn’t going to happen overnight. It is probably going to be the most difficult thing you have ever done. But if you follow this formula for the next year, you will start noticing a change in your thinking, which determines how you feel inside, and when you can control how you feel throughout a given day, and remain in an empowering state ALL DAY, this is when you are going to notice change. When you notice the change, that is when the lightbulb is gonna go off. 

It is an amazing feeling to be able to remember who you were, why you became that way, and then notice who you have become, who you are becoming, and embrace that feeling. Its an empowering feeling to know that you CAN be, have, and do all that you dream of inside your mind. 


So, right now, let me deliver what I promised and let me tell you #3 how to replace your addiction with a new habit. 


The easy way for me to tell you this is to dive into my story. 

2 years ago, I watched a motivational video that I truly credit to forcing my spiritual awakening. I heard the right words, at the right time, and something inside of clicked. I understood. If I created this life, then I can uncreate it and recreate it. 


So here we go first step 1: determine your life’s purpose. Jack Canfield says that we are all born with an inner guidance system that tells us when we are on or off of our life’s purpose by the amount of joy we are experiencing. So the way to determine that purpose is to complete this exercise out of Jack’s book the Success Principles. Grab a pen and notebook. This will be fun I promise. You are going to write out 30 things you want to have, 30 things you want to be, and 30 things you have to do. If you want to learn my list and compare it to yours, grab a copy of my book by going to This exercise is going to get you in tune with your deepest desires. Think like a kid. Don’t put any limits on yourself. Think as if time, money, environment, and resources were not a problem.  It is going to be difficult to come up with all of these answers, but when you get done you will have in front of you a list containing answers to the following question…. Who do you want to become? Think of this list as your GPS coordinates. You now have a destination, or destiny, to program into your GPS, or your mind. You mind is going to start giving you ideas to help these things form into shape. 


Step 2 is to start practicing a morning power hour. Every morning without fail. For me this has evolved into a must-have morning routine. I spend the first 5 hours of my day working on my vision. At the gym, reading, meditating, and writing. I wake up at 3am and I am in bed by 10pm. I get up, get to the gym, do a light easy workout, get my heart pumping blood, oxygen flowing to my brain, and then I meditate. Don’t tell me you can’t meditate, you might not know how to just yet, but I in the description is a link to a video that will help you not only understand meditation but it will help you fall in love with it. Meditation is important because it helps put you into an empowering state to start you day off with. You prime the most powerful emotions of love, joy, and gratitude and you carry that feeling with you throughout your day. This specific meditation I point you to in the description is called PRIMING, it was popularized by Tony Robbins. That should be enough to convince you to do it right there. Tony Robbins is a billionaire. Not only that but everything that I teach stems from something that Tony helped me learn. I can’t force you to do this every morning, what I can PROMISE you is that if you do, consistently for the next year, while practicing the other habits I give you, and you do it even when you don’t feel like doing it, you are going program the behavior in to your body, and it will become easy. It will become desirable, you will CRAVE this new behavior. And it will inevitably replace the desire to use drugs or drink. 


Win your morning and then use the rest of the day to ponder ideas on how to make your dreams come true. What do you want to do? Start a youtube channel? Coach football, start a business, start a band, write a book?


Start focusing on achievement and reciprocity and you are going to become a different person. What do you want to accomplish? Someone out there is successful at it, AND they started somewhere, just like you are NOW! Wake up to your invincibility! 


If you start practicing the habit of waking up early, and exercising mentally, physically, and spiritually it is going to train you emotionally to feel empowered enough to establish permanent change. By choosing to workout, meditate, read, and keep a journal instead of going to meetings you are going to recover faster and permanently. I mean think about it. Meetings allow us to go searching for a solution to a problem at a meeting full of people who haven’t found the solution themselves. Can anyone person at 12 meeting say that they have eliminate the DESIRE to do drugs. NO So we are seekingMy friend, I hope this episode has made you just a little stronger.That’s what I’ve got for today’s episode, if you love this episode, please do a favor share it on your Instagram stories and tag the show in it @cocre8oneness, it helps me grow so much! Until next you are full of amazing, unlimited potential, and only you can provide your gifts to the world. I hope you have an amazing day. Namaste